🖼️Course story | 🧰Youtube | 🏠HPC Lab
- Previous years (이전 년도 강의 자료)
Class overview (PDF)
- Instructor: Duksu Kim (bluekds at koreatech.ac.kr / #319, 2nd Eng. Building)
- Office hour : Mon. 16-17 / Wed. 14-15
- TA: Dae June Choi (eowns13 at koreatech.ac.kr / #01, R&D dome (Naare dome)
- Prerequisite
- Textbooks
📚Lecture notes & videos (in Korean)
- Some of the figures comes from the reference books
(강의 슬라이드의 일부 그림은 본 과목의 참고 교재에서 가져 왔습니다.)
Lecture 1. Computer system overview [slides] [video]
Lecture 2. OS overview [slides] [video (1) (2) (3)]
Lecture 3. Process management [slides] [Video (1) (2)]
Lecture 4. Thread management [slides] [Video]
Lecture 5. Process scheduling [slides] [videos ↓]
Lecture 6. Process synchronization & Mutual exclustion [slides][videos ↓]
Lecture 7. Deadlock [slides][videos ↓]